Maybe I am just weak but traveling with a two and a three year old is for the birds. For those of you that have braved the drive (or flight) to Disney World my hats are off to you. Our three hour trip to TN was enough to send me to the nut house. We have vowed not to take this trip until the boys are no longer reliant on nap time. Missing nap time is like having two hungry bears in tow - it stinks.
John and I are taking this week off. We started off the week with a trip to TN to see some family and then took a side trip to Knoxville to the zoo. It took us SEVEN hours to get ready for the trip on Saturday. Part of that is prepping Isaac's food since he has all of his dietary restrictions and packing his bag o' meds so he can breathe through the TN mold.
The trip to Mamoo's house (as the boys affectionately call John's grandma) is a very short three hour drive. In fact the boys slept for an hour of the drive. But the last 45 minutes must have been torture. The first 45 minutes (prior to the nap) the boys were saying:
"I can't wait to see Mamoo"
"Yeah we are going to Mamoo's house"
"I can't wait to see grandma and aunt Judy at Mamoo's."
Then after the nap it had digressed to:
"Where's is Mamoo's house"
"Are we getting close to Mamoo's house?"
Then Isaac exclaimed:
"We have been in this van far too long - I don't like Mamoo's house."
It was a lovely way to start the weekend.
I am pretty sure John and I were more excited about the zoo then the boys. Something about the fall makes every family activity seem better. I would call today's zoo visit more of a "drive by." The boys fell asleep during the 1.5 hour drive to the zoo. We grabbed some lunch and then started our tour of the zoo at 12:30 - evidently about 2 hours too late. Eli looked at each animal for all of 3 seconds and then was ready "to see the next aminal." Additionally he wanted to see a hippo, very badly, and the Knoxville zoo didn't have a Hippo. He only cried twice and we were able to distract him out of his tantrum. It is nice at this age that disappointment only lasts for about 30 seconds - if only that would carry on into later life.