Friday, January 2, 2009

Growing Up...

The boys have been so much fun these past two weeks. They are obsessed with putting on their slipper shoes and running up and down the hallway - chasing each other. Both love to dribble and shoot basketballs, big suprise there. The guys know about half, maybe less, of several children's songs - so you can hear them sing bits and peices throughout the day. Eli sings - "Row Row Row your boat - Merrily Merrily Merrily" as well as a souped up rendition of "5 Little Monkeys". Isaac mainly sings "we will rock you" - all he knows is "shu shu (that is the drum beat) we will...." that's it, over and over again.
I commented today on how fast they are growing up on me and per Eli - if we will "pour water over his head he will grow big like strawberries, green beans, and pickles."

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