Monday, January 5, 2009

White Noise

My office building is being bulldozed on Friday. They are moving us out on Thursday - at least we got a bit of warning. However, they told us to be boxed up and ready to go by close of business on Tuesday - so I guess are going to play cards and mess around all day Wednesday. Anyway, various UK departments are coming to our office and disassembling it - taking apart desks, taking down walls, removing wires, etc. I am afraid I will be sitting on the floor with the roaches by the time we actually move.
Our office is located at the corner of Rose and South Limestone. We are adjacent to the ER entrance for UK hospital and centrally located between every fire station in Lexington. We used to be home to the Contruction picketers and various other loud intities. Today they removed our white noise. It is super weird. I have been use to this low hum for over a year now, and now I have heard about 300 sirens today - about 5 fights going on outside the office and i am just about to loose my mind. I miss vacation!!!

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